Condemnation of Glorification of Female ISIS Members, Accomplices, Supporters

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Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The Free Yezidi Foundation strongly opposes efforts to celebrate the experiences of female ISIS members, accomplices and supporters, including convicted accomplice Laura H. of the Netherlands. We encourage members of the media, nonprofits, and state institutions to carefully examine the horrific impact that ISIS has had on people around the world, and specifically, the systematic genocide perpetrated by ISIS against the Yezidi people.

The Free Yezidi Foundation opposes any attempts by former or current ISIS members, accomplices, supporters including female members, to exploit or benefit from their experiences supporting a genocidal terrorist organization. It is outrageous and irresponsible for public or private outlets to amplify their voices. Laura H. has been convicted by the Dutch judicial system as an accomplice for the preparations of terroristic actions.

Furthermore, FYF has carefully documented the experiences and crimes of female ISIS members, with a focus on their manipulation of public audiences, particularly in Europe, and efforts to obtain pity and sympathy despite their heinous actions. Among other horrors, ISIS enacted a literal slave trade of Yezidi women and girls, who were bought and sold on actual slave markets to be raped, abused, and enslaved by various ISIS slaveowners. In many cases, the atrocities committed by female ISIS members were as or more brutal than those committed by the men. Female ISIS members were responsible for ensuring the ‘slaves’ did not escape when ISIS fighters were at the frontlines. The Yezidi women and girls were regularly degraded, battered, and attacked by female ISIS members. To find out more about the crimes and mentality of female ISIS members, see these Free Yezidi Foundation reports:

The Free Yezidi Foundation urges the Netherlands governmental authorities and public and private institutions to conduct research, carefully scrutinize, and ultimately reject the publication or glorification of male and female ISIS members, accomplices, or supporters in all cases, and especially for those members, accomplices and supporters who have already been convicted in the Netherlands, like Laura H. 


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